Thursday, June 28, 2012


So, Obamacare has passed. I suppose this is the time when the USA implodes upon it's self. It's funny how a system, America, one of the greatest in the world is doing this.

In college I was taught to be proud of what we had created (us as "America"), because we have been able to do it in less than 300 years. China and GB and the UK have been at this for much longer.

While I am not proud that I am being forced to buy into a tax sceme, I am very proud of the fact that I live in America.

A big argument these days is voting.

Now, first I'd like to point out that registering to vote, and actually voting are two totally different things. 

I am a registered voter. I vote, if needed. I have not voted in a few years.

Now, before I had to move back in with my mommy, I had my own apartment. I was attempting to better my life by myself with my child. It is too expensive to live by myself; lesson learned. 

I applied for WIC (Women, Infants, and Children), and also Food Stamps. I was able to get both. I can no longer get these because I make too much money. (I dont see how, she said it's only like 100 above what your supposed to get) but bottom line when I went back in once I had the child support "figured out" (Still was not receiving it, but it was "set up", I wasn't allowed to get Food Stamps anymore because of the 67 bucks a week I was SUPPOSED to be getting.  

So, I stick with my WIC. 

Every time I go into WIC to renew my benefits, he would always ask me if I was registered to vote. Of course, I am, so I always answered yes. This was not documented for my next visit, because he asked me every time. Can you get kicked off the voters registration list? LOL. I'd have to sign my name on the "I can vote" line, and signing that I did not need to register. 

So, Ms. Mexican Mamacita can come in, not know a lick of English, apply for benefits (Because they have the application in Spanish available as well), and feed her 4 kids? But I can't feed one? Really? REALLY AMERICA?! 

I have waited in that waiting room with people i was SURE were illegally here. Where are their papers? Do we check those? Or do we just care if they can vote or not? We cater to them, learning Spanish and basically giving them our hand-me-downs.

Now, once voting day does come, that is when we find out who the actual voters are. I can be a "voter" and not vote. I'd like to know what happens to the WIC people who are not voters, and do not want to sign up to vote. Are they kicked out of the program? Are they added to another list that does not get documented too? Or do we all paint on these papers and hang them up and stare at them>

It's just frustrating to be turned down for something, when other people around me are getting it as well? If that makes sense? I know it's complaining but it's very silly the strategy that is doing all this. America, are we not going to talk about the man that goes into the Gas Station and buys 300 bucks of nothing on his Food Stamp card, only to get the cash handed to him? I bet you 300 more dollars that money is NOT buying food. And here I am almost starving, while you are also giving away free cell phones. 

If we are going to raise taxes, shouldn't we take away some of the things we already have in place? Granted, I have not (nor will I) read the page by page declaration from this idiot, but I do know that in a year I plan to buy a car. I am almost convinced myself that I will not get this car now. 

So, what do the elders of America say? Go out and vote. Go out and change something. Because, "Your vote matters." 

Well that's all nice and sweet that you say that, but I think you are full of shit. 

I personally think the next President of the USA has already been decided. 

I dont like any of the candidates, they are all placed and "offered" to us by the media. They are just the face of america. 

When do I get to vote to get new Congress? Where is that vote? That vote will never happen. 

So, thank you to Obama for ruining my financial life. I work two jobs to try and save money and now I have to pay even more!

Once we get a handle on the immigrants I'm sure things will settle down. But he has other things on his plate.

Like the fact that someone told me there is a "wall" between Mexico and Texas and that no on, and I quote, "Can walk across."


My college history teacher did a VIDEO of him and three friends going to Mexico and walking back across the border. I had to sit through three days of this video, don't tell me there is a fucking wall. When they are neck high in water, don't tell me there is a wall.

In case you were wondering, they did make it America.

So yeah, I guess America has this allllllll figured out.

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