Saturday, June 9, 2012

Mommy Tips

Being a mom is a hard thing. 

When I was pregnant I would spend HOURS on Google, goggling the smallest of questions. I look back now, and of course laugh at the silly-ness of my questions, but when I had doubt they really mattered. 

A lot of my friends are having babies now, and while I only have one child (A girl, 20 months), I want to try and help with some tips. 

Being a first time mom, I didn't have anyone to turn to. I actually feel kind of silly typing this out, because someone will bark back with "She has one daughter, what does she know?" Well, this is what I know-

- Nipple Confusion was one thing I was worried about. I did breastfeed my child from birth to 4 months. She was bottle fed formula this whole time as well. I had "Nuk" brand, Playtex, and little cheap bottles from the dollar store. I noticed she started to "prefer" certain nipples/bottles, or she would drink very little from certain types. When she was 4 months old I threw out all the "Nuk" brand (except for two- large size), and all the cheap ones. Buying nipples from the dollar store is a no-no. They don't fit in the bottle tops correctly and even leaked a few times. Keep in mind throwing different types of nipples at the child during feeding time can confuse the little bugger! Now that she is 20 months old, and we are "weaning" her off the bottle - I currently only have the two big brand Nuk bottles, and about 3 small Gerber brand bottles. 

- Food choices was another big scare. Skyleigh had 8 teeth by the time she was 6 months old. She was NOT interested in baby food at all. I wasn't sure what she could eat, and what she couldn't eat. She hated the Gerber finger food things. I started very basic. Sandwich meat (rolled up), sliced cheese, basically I would make her small portions of lots of different things, offer it to her and see what she ate. I still do that, even though my mom thinks we need to have a better dinner routine, but that is a problem within its self. Haha. She would eat anything sweet, or with sugar, and so fruits and veggies were a must. She would chew on celery stalks, and eat pickles! She will try anything you hand her.

Evvvvvveryone told me how good of a deal Kid2Kid was with exchanging your baby items. While yes, it is a great idea, it is not something to get super excited about. I have only used them a few times, both with SEVERE disappointment. You may be excited over your laundry baskets full of clothes, and blankets, toys and other things. Even a stroller or baby swing. You wait while they sort through your things, and then they offer you a price.One particular time I exchanged Skyleigh's clothes, I brought in two HUGE laundry baskets of basically brand new clothes, and had an old car seat. 

4.37 cents. For everything. And they kept my laundry baskets. I was not pleased. That was sadly the last time I went back there, and I guess they have 4 bucks of store credit that wont ever get used. 

Sort of like Half Priced Books - It's better to BUY the baby books from HPB than to go sell them. 

- Buy lots of diapers. Skyleigh was in size 2 the longest. Don't forget about wipes! Collect coupons from the paper and sign up for online "baby" things. They do send you coupons and free products, most just take some time. If you sign up with Gerber they send you formula coupons, and then transition into "big girl foods". P&G Brand Saver has some amazing deals as well. A lot of baby supplies I actually did get from the dollar store/ 99 cent store. Just a personal preference - Don't buy the wipes from the dollar store. They aren't thick enough! 

- Two different people bought me Diaper Genies. I didn't use them. It may seem simple, yes, it is a container that holds smelly diapers. --- I already have one of these, it's called a trashcan. Worked just fine, and I didn't have to pay 12 bucks for a refill.  

-Having help was the most important thing in the beginning. I stayed at my moms for the first 4 days (I was desperate to get back home, alone, with my new baby girl!), which helped greatly. Dont be afraid to ask for help! Ask your nurses in the hospital if you are unsure, they are there to help you! Ask you mother, grandmother, father, keep in mind they raised some childrens too!

Hopefully some of these tips helped you. I hope so!

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