Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bullying - Part Deux

I slightly grazed the subject of "bullying" in my first blog called "Home Schooling." So, more bullying problems in today's world. 

This particular instance/case was mentioned to me yesterday by my boss. - 

On the east coast we have asshole children on a bus, publicly "dissing" the bus monitor. Karen Klein was ridiculed on a bus full of kids, and another student secretly video recorded it.

There is the link in case you haven't seen it. I'm warning you now, these children are vile and rude. Cussing is on the video. 

Once again, I am ashamed to call myself an American. Whomever the young man is in the video (he's off camera) and he snaps back with something along the lines of, "Why don't you shut your ******* mouth...." I am STUNNED. 

What happened to respect your elders? You obviously talk to your parents this way, and that is shameful upon it's self. I was taught to respect my elders, listen to them, and to never ever cuss around them. 

I remember the first time I said "shit" around my dad, I think I was 20, and it was in the car. I was more afraid of HIS reaction than I was of the car I had almost hit! 

Bullying is a problem that starts at home. The PARENTS need to control how their kids act. What they are taught. If they are taught to be mean, they are going to be mean. 

I was taught not to cuss. Not to be mean. 

Kinda like a pit bull. You take that innocent little puppy and raise him to be "mean", he is going to be mean! Why are we raising our children to be mean?????!!!!!! 

My step father was picking up my daughter from the baby sitter, and mentioned the little brat who always says, "Oh that's Skyleigh, we don't like her." Still not sure how to react to that who issue. 

But we also have wonderful people of the world who are raising money for Ms. Klein. She lost her son in a horrific way, and she may not be the richest person in the world, but you know what kids of America? She is better in SO MANY WAYS than you will EVER be. I hope they kick those kids out of school, something drastic needs to be done. Ms. Klein - If I was you in this situation - I would have pulled that bus over and made those children walk. I would have gone up to their house, asked to speak with their parents and showed them the video. 

Even when I went to high school almost 10 years ago, the bus was a scary idea to ride. You are alone - no mom and dad. I was a "quiet" person, and I will be the first to admit I was made fun of and bullied in school. Walking onto the bus and having no one move over for you, I have been there. Backpacks placed in seats because someone did want to move it or move over. Praying for their to be an open seat, because if not then you had to ask?! 

We need to show America, show our children that we are not kidding around. I don't want another school massacre because we turned our heads the other way. This problem is not going to go away, I don't see why we are just sitting around waiting for the next news story.

I understand high school is hard. School is hard. Life is hard. But you know what? Everyone has to do it! You are no different. Once you walk into my door, you are like family to me. I would never ever be rude to a stranger, unless they are rude to me first. Isn't their a golden rule of Treat others how you would like to be treated? I hope that boy on the bus gets stepped on repeatedly. 

But these kids that are bullies are going to graduate High School and enter into this big big huge world and realize - ah shit! The world DOESN'T revolve around me! Bullying this person get's me no where. 

I don't even know where that young man get's off bullying an elderly person. 

I just really hope that the school ISD is taking this seriously. Hell, it's America. I know they aren't. It's sad that I actually have to type that out! 

It's time to take a stance. I am sick and tired of sitting back and watching the world implode, because we are afraid to speak our minds. 

We are letting the government run this country into the ground and school's are being affected. If a simple BUS MONITOR can't stuck up for herself, then who can?! We need to get the Marine's on the bus, that's what we need to do! 

"YOU SIR! Sit that ASS down and shut the fuck up! Did I say you could speak you little runt?!"

Come on, it'd be fun! Haha. 

I know it may be a little harsh that I am saying such mean things about these kids, but you know what? Send them to my hotel. I'd like to meet this young man so I can show HIM how IMPORTANT he really is to this world. 

Remember, if you point at someone there are always 4 fingers pointing right back at you. 

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