Saturday, June 30, 2012

PayPal Scammed!

Well, bad news Jesskuh Blog readers: 

I am a moron and got scammed through PayPal. Yes, it is true.

Also, funny fact, keep in mind: this was a "my first time" using PayPal. Yeah, that's what I get for thinking people are nice and helpful. He said he would walk me through the process!!! Walked me through the process of getting scammed! 


I advertised my laptop on Craigslist: Dallas/Fort Worth, and got a bite the next day. The guy asked if that was my firm price for selling, and I said yes. He had also asked what was wrong with my laptop. Read my previous blog to find out about that.

We chatted about what was wrong with the laptop a few times, back and forth, "David" seemed to have pretty good English. I didn't think I was being scammed. I told him I DID have a Paypal account/address but I never used it. As I said above, he said he would be happy to walk me through the process of being paid through PayPal. I was using a different e-mail from my actual PayPal used e-mail address, so I gave him my e-mail and he said he was going to transfer me the money. He said he talked with Customer Care. I got all the e-mails he spoke about, kinda a few more. 

So, being the nice person I am, I went out once I received my "PayPal e-mails of it's coming in 72 hours" and mailed the laptop off to him. It wasn't to Nigeria, which is another reason I didn't suspect it right away. 

68 bucks down the drain. So, I've spent 600 bucks on a laptop, and 68 bucks on the shipping, and gotten ? 

They sent me a "Your shipping label number is verified" e-mail, and then another e-mail stating the money will be in your account in 24 hours. Well, it's been 48 hours since then, and: Nothing.

I noticed the difference of the two e-mail names (^^ and actual ones from PP about changing e-mail addys) and noticed that it came from a non paypal address way after the fact. I then started clicking around and searching in Google, and have discovered: I have been scammed. 

I just know, because I *sarcasm* have the BEST LUCK ever that I will never get my money back. I'll never get my laptop. I just want a damn working laptop, thats the only reason I turned to the web. It really pisses me off. 

I know I'm stupid, but I thought I was being nice. Thought he was being nice! 

I am so stupid. I'm mad at myself for being so stupid. 

Screw you PayPal. I lost a LAPTOP a non working, but still DAMN GOOD laptop! 

See what happens? UGH URRGG


Thursday, June 28, 2012


So, Obamacare has passed. I suppose this is the time when the USA implodes upon it's self. It's funny how a system, America, one of the greatest in the world is doing this.

In college I was taught to be proud of what we had created (us as "America"), because we have been able to do it in less than 300 years. China and GB and the UK have been at this for much longer.

While I am not proud that I am being forced to buy into a tax sceme, I am very proud of the fact that I live in America.

A big argument these days is voting.

Now, first I'd like to point out that registering to vote, and actually voting are two totally different things. 

I am a registered voter. I vote, if needed. I have not voted in a few years.

Now, before I had to move back in with my mommy, I had my own apartment. I was attempting to better my life by myself with my child. It is too expensive to live by myself; lesson learned. 

I applied for WIC (Women, Infants, and Children), and also Food Stamps. I was able to get both. I can no longer get these because I make too much money. (I dont see how, she said it's only like 100 above what your supposed to get) but bottom line when I went back in once I had the child support "figured out" (Still was not receiving it, but it was "set up", I wasn't allowed to get Food Stamps anymore because of the 67 bucks a week I was SUPPOSED to be getting.  

So, I stick with my WIC. 

Every time I go into WIC to renew my benefits, he would always ask me if I was registered to vote. Of course, I am, so I always answered yes. This was not documented for my next visit, because he asked me every time. Can you get kicked off the voters registration list? LOL. I'd have to sign my name on the "I can vote" line, and signing that I did not need to register. 

So, Ms. Mexican Mamacita can come in, not know a lick of English, apply for benefits (Because they have the application in Spanish available as well), and feed her 4 kids? But I can't feed one? Really? REALLY AMERICA?! 

I have waited in that waiting room with people i was SURE were illegally here. Where are their papers? Do we check those? Or do we just care if they can vote or not? We cater to them, learning Spanish and basically giving them our hand-me-downs.

Now, once voting day does come, that is when we find out who the actual voters are. I can be a "voter" and not vote. I'd like to know what happens to the WIC people who are not voters, and do not want to sign up to vote. Are they kicked out of the program? Are they added to another list that does not get documented too? Or do we all paint on these papers and hang them up and stare at them>

It's just frustrating to be turned down for something, when other people around me are getting it as well? If that makes sense? I know it's complaining but it's very silly the strategy that is doing all this. America, are we not going to talk about the man that goes into the Gas Station and buys 300 bucks of nothing on his Food Stamp card, only to get the cash handed to him? I bet you 300 more dollars that money is NOT buying food. And here I am almost starving, while you are also giving away free cell phones. 

If we are going to raise taxes, shouldn't we take away some of the things we already have in place? Granted, I have not (nor will I) read the page by page declaration from this idiot, but I do know that in a year I plan to buy a car. I am almost convinced myself that I will not get this car now. 

So, what do the elders of America say? Go out and vote. Go out and change something. Because, "Your vote matters." 

Well that's all nice and sweet that you say that, but I think you are full of shit. 

I personally think the next President of the USA has already been decided. 

I dont like any of the candidates, they are all placed and "offered" to us by the media. They are just the face of america. 

When do I get to vote to get new Congress? Where is that vote? That vote will never happen. 

So, thank you to Obama for ruining my financial life. I work two jobs to try and save money and now I have to pay even more!

Once we get a handle on the immigrants I'm sure things will settle down. But he has other things on his plate.

Like the fact that someone told me there is a "wall" between Mexico and Texas and that no on, and I quote, "Can walk across."


My college history teacher did a VIDEO of him and three friends going to Mexico and walking back across the border. I had to sit through three days of this video, don't tell me there is a fucking wall. When they are neck high in water, don't tell me there is a wall.

In case you were wondering, they did make it America.

So yeah, I guess America has this allllllll figured out.

4th Of July Party Ideas

The 4th Of July is right around the corner, and if you are like me you like to decorate. 

We have a pool and normally host a huge pool party every year, but sadly haven't heard anything about it this year yet. 

Most of these pictures I found off Pinterest, and none of them are mine. Your local Craft store, Joanne's Fabrics or even Wal-Mart has all of the supplies you will need for anything down here. Most are easy and I doubt would take long at all! 

First party idea comes from everyone's favorite: Strawberries! 
Obviously step one is get some strawberries. Other ingredients include white chocolate and blue sprinkles. Great for a snack at your 4th festivities! 

Cute little ring for kids? Easy to make! 
Here is a neat idea to get the kids involved before they run around like ! Red and Blue paint and something everyone has, hand prints! Footprints! Fun! Make one for Grandma, or maybe an Christmas Present (to save for Christmas of course!)

This was a cute decoration idea I wish I had thought of! Great for Memorial Day, and of course the 4th Of July. Red beans, white beans, and blue beans. I can't think of any beans that are blue off the top of my head, but I'm sure you can shop around. They do make see through bags, also check your local craft store! Coffee beans might be an idea as well! Or even M&M's! 

A neat drink topper idea! Blueberry, and raspberries! Even white marshmallows (I'm sure they have star shaped marshmallows somewhere!)

I love flags. Let's not forget to show that your plants love America too! It is America's Birthday after all! 

Near idea I found! Pretzel sticks (my childs favorite) dipped in chocolate, then different sprinkles colors. 
Neat ice cream idea! 

A few cup-cake decoration ideas. 
Rice Krispie treats, dipped in chocolate. Red or Blue ribbon tied at the top. 

I used to make one of these cakes every year. Well I think I made one one time, and attempted for year two. My family is full of creative minds, and so my cake never looks as good as the others did.

These shoes are awesome. I want a pair please.
Star shaped cut outs into watermelon! Seriously, I would have never thought of it! Brilliant! 
 Got loads of little toothpick flags? A wreath "base" is/are cheap at your local garden store! Great idea! 

Happy 4th of July everyone. 

This time of the year really means something to me. I love America. I know people that have died in wars, and taken their own life as a result of this pointless war. I know military men and women who bust their ass everyday. It is time to say Happy Birthday to Mrs. America herself, not some blonde plastic barbie doll! It is a very hard time (especially the day before) for me, because in many ways "America's" government system has failed my military friends. 

So Happy Early Birthday to Mrs. America! 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Celebrity Update of the Day

June 27, 2012.

1. Hota Kotb is apparently a front runner to replace Ann on the 'Today' Show. I'm not so sure what to think about that, I really like Hoda and Kathy Lee. Why not give KL the raise? She too good for Today? Hoda has a great stage presence, and a great reading voice/ telelpromper skills, and she is pretty funny. I'm more so laughing AT her, than WITH her, but I guess she will take what she can get. NBC isn't lacking in the money department, they seem to be lacking in the funny department. It doesn't take much to read some lines off a teleprompter. I think they should branch out and get someone brand new to replace Ann with!

2. Big Ben, the huge tower in London is being renamed after the Queen. To be renamed Elizabeth Tower. I wonder if people are outraged over in London. I'm not happy about it, I mean you learn about BIG BEN in school. Not "Elizabeth Tower". Now I gotta throw in ANOTHER name and stories to teach the kiddo's about? Now I know how angry Dallas was when they wanted to rename that street in Greenville, rename it to Ceasar Chavez Blvd. Let's just keep everything as it is Queen Liz mmk?

3. Gas Prices. I type in the date and "celebrity info" and lower gas prices come up? Gas prices are back around 3.00 Dont freak out, in case yall havent forgotten 4th of July is right around the corner. Just in time for Obama to parade around that he can up the gas prices by 20 cents with the flick of a wrist. I am exstatic that gas prices are finally lowering. Let's have them STAY low.

4. Paula Deen, American's favorite country bumpkin cook has lost 30 pounds. Looks like she finally put down that pie and picked up a healthy cook book! Congrats Paula, you look great. It's time to whip America into shape! 

5. 50 cent is out of the hospital. He needs change for a dollar someone! Anyone

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Celebrity Update of the Day

Here is your celebrity update of the day: 

1. Jason Lee from My Name Is Earl has welcomed a baby boy! Let's clap it up for Sonny Lee! 

2. John Travolta: He has been sued by a Cruise Ship worker, for "attacking" him. Apparently, John disrobed and then pushed the man? The first accuser (the masseuse) dropped his charges. Let's see if this one sticks. 

I think there is something whack in the head with this man. The whole family is kinda whack, but John here is the leader. He may try to keep calm and cool on the outside, but I know one day, someone will come forward with the story of a lifetime. (Personally I think Mr Travolta is "rooting for the other team" if you know what I mean.) He was great in Grease and that disco movie, and I'm sure he was in some other movies too, but sadly, I just don't care that much to begin with about him! 

3. Speaking of people I do not care about: Paris Jackson has cut her hair. Or changed her hair. Sound the media horns, a woman has cut her hair?! Seriously? This is news story worthy? This was on the front page of First of all, yes, sad her dad died. Boo freaking hoo. It's been 3 years. Her dad, the king of pop, Michael Jackson, spent basically her lifetime keeping her from the press. He did a damn good job at it too. I understand his motives, but it's like anything she does, say, walks, wears, whatever... is now broadcasted to me? Um no thanks. I didn't like Michael Jackson all that much when he was alive, and now that he is dead I don't want to be forced to care about his daughter. *does MJ whoo-whoo sound*

4. Zack Galifinakas is engaged. See people, money does buy you happiness! I bet she's beautiful. Congrats Zackie! 

5. Alex Trebeck hospitalized after suffering a minor heart attack. I'll have "Hospitals for 400" Alex! Get well soon! 

6. Charlie Sheen has found work again. I know I don't give a flying fuck what this sex addicted coke head does! Won't be seeing his movie, or watching his show! Seriously, who in their right mind gives this man work again? I didn't like his stupid Two Men show to begin with, I mean Alan is the most annoying character to watch ever. And you mean to tell me that women are knocking down the door to get to...Charlie Sheen? I must have missed that memo. Could also be i'm not on crack, or drunk. I'll check back with ya'll if I ever find him attractive. Don't keep holding your breath! 

7. Janelle Evans, the weed addicted mom on Teen Mom, was arrested for assault last night at a bar. Hey big surprise here, she had weed on her! Everyone should find her mug shot, it's sad, and funny at the same time. Maybe if you were at home, with your child, you that wouldn't have happened. Oh wait, you'd have to have CUSTODY of your child first. I give props to her mom though, taking care of that baby boy! They should re-name Teen Mom to "I'm a whore and you'll see me in jail in no time!" 

8. Spice Girls have released a picture of them, like 15 years after they covered the world in Girl Power. I wasn't much of a fan (I literally know their one big hit here in the USA and then one other song) The girls havent aged much, Baby Spice still looks like a baby. We all know who Posh married. Scary spice is un scary. Sporty Spice isn't fat. And Ginger Spice? Well, she's still a red head. 

"Color to the world,(spiceupyourlife) Every boy and every girl, (spiceupyourlife), something something something...AHHHHHHHHHHHH

Yeah, that song rocks my fucking socks off, I aint afraid to admit it! 

9. Mr Woodchuck - Uncle Joey's faithful woodchuck was recently mauled by a dog. He lost his mouth in the attack. Poor Mr. Woodchuck! 


It's been a quiet morning here at work. We had a bit of a rush, but now that everything has settled down, I have some time for a quick blog session! 

At the hotel this morning, and my manager is now set up with Adsense on her blog. She originally had it set up on her YouTube account (and is making a fair/decent amount of money), so now she's been organizing her beautiful blog for her new Adsense account! 

I am happy to report that I have sold my laptop! My lovely HP with broken monitor, yet the back HP light lights up, is going to a happy home in Tennessee! He is pay-paling the money to me later. I am so happy I sold the thing! Now, time to shop around and get a new laptop. :D Sucks having no money all the time :(

A lot of earthquakes have been happening in and around North Texas. I have yet to feel anything in Fort Worth, but they are getting pretty close. I believe it has something to do with the huge Barnett Shale we are sitting on, but everyone (involved in that) says no. I'm sorry but you mean to tell me that you are going to dig a huge hole miles under the earth, blow up the dirt, suck the "gas" out, then leave? Um, you are leaving lots of little holes under this Earth. The huge hole you have left is going to collapse in upon it'self. You may tell me no, but I'm sorry person. It may not happen in your lifetime, or in mine, but it could happen in my daughters life time and that is not cool.

She may be the all mighty powerful Mother Earth, but you guys are damaging her beyond repair. I recycle everything I can get my hands on, and yet we have people coming and knocking on our door wanting to bid on the gas that is underneath the house. We had another lady stop by and TELL US, not ask, but TELL us that they were going to be drilling (sideways mind you) right under the house. So we have holes, sideways tunnels and all sorts of damages going on, and the workers and employees are telling us, no, everything is A-ok. You can't tell me everything is okay when we are having Earthquakes ALL AROUND. Earthquakes aren't supposed to happen in Texas. I could maybe believe the story of one or two earthquakes and the "ground moving/adjusting" but this has been going on for months. Numerous earthquakes. Granted, they are smaller magnitude earthquakes, but my house shaking is my house shaking. It's not good!

I guess when Dallas collapses in upon it's self they'll get the memo. I'll make sure to be there with me "No, it's okay!" sign! Haha. 


I have realized as I get older, I become more and more of a smart ass. I realized I had a voice when I was about 20 years old. I have become very bold in what I will say.

I say I was a "sheltered" child, being raised by my dad. I was a good kid, following rules, not getting into (much) trouble, and doing fairly good in school. 

Then I got out of High School, realized none of that matters and it's basically to each their own. I do have a few friends that I try and stick with, but times are changing and people are growing up. 

I get a lot of Twitter comments of people commenting that I speak my mind. I speak my mind, and type whatever I want. I don't see why everyone is surprised by this. I try to be as honest I can! I also love when my blog is described as "Random yet Funny." Because that is me. Random. And Funny. :D 

I used to be very shy. So shy, Painfully shy. I would just sit there and observe. I even had people come up to me at a party or something and (jokingly) say "She needs to shut up!" ... because I never talk. Of course everyone will say they are shy when you first meet them. I used to be that way. I'm still an observer, I am a people watcher!

The birth of my daughter changed me a lot also. I can't just sit back and stay quiet while the world passes us by. I have been taken advantage of, and walked off over and I just woke up one day and said NO MORE! 

I have been in one abusive relationship (mentally abusive), and I look back and realize how stupid I was. I was just young, and stupid, and he liked me. That was the bottom line. I ended up moving in with this idiot, who was bi-polar and took no medication. He took drugs though. I lived with him for almost two years and had everything taken away from me. He slowly sucked my friends away (I couldn't go see anyone because other guys could be there. God forbid someone looks at me!). I had one friend, Tierni, who I met through him, and she was basically it. He didn't even like it when I went to my own mothers. One day, like a sign from God, he wrecked his truck and his mother called me at work. I explained to her that I was going to get all my things and leave the key - and she agreed. I was very scared to leave him, even though I knew very well he was in jail, still, my heart was beating so quickly. Tierni came and met me at 11 pm at night and we literally THREW my stuff in a black trash bag and I slept at her house that night. I look back and when I ask myself, "Jessica, why didn't you just leave?" - It's funny the excuses I give myself. 

Of course, number one was, I was scared shitless. He never ever hit me once, but he did choke me once. He was crazy. He would have these "episodes" I would call them, where he'd walk to the kitchen and just open and slam the cabinet doors. So weird. I was supposed to meet my dad at the NASCAR race, and he actually FOLLOWED my car to the track. He was convinced that I was out to sleep with every person with a penis apparently. Just shows how stupid and naive I was. I never cheated on him or anything, he was just crazy. 

Now, I know how to say no. I know how to say, "No boyfriend, I am going to go home tonight and sleep in my own bed." Because last time I didn't say that I ended up being (practically) held hostage for two years. I kid you not. 

Anyways, my buddy just got here. 

It's smoke break time. 

And It's Tuesday. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Kardashians

It's amazing how money and fame hungry one family can get. 

I recently came across an article about Kim K and her sex tape with ex boyfriend Ray-J, and her ex husband (Kris Humphries)'s ex girlfriend or something is saying her mom orchestrated the whole thing. 

This, sadly, is the type of thing I can believe. 

I have seen a few episodes of The Kardashians, and their mother seems a little on the loose end. 

In case you haven't forgotten, Kim K and Kris H spent like millions of dollars on a 72 day marriage. Because marriage is so important ya'll. I mean to her. We got Brit Brit having HOURS of marriage, Kim K is married for a few months, and yet we still don't allow two people of the same sex to get married. Why? 

Because we are PROTECTING the value of marriage? Protecting it from what? We need to be protecting it from these types of idiots! I am a girl who can not wait to get married. Sure, I wont have millions of dollars to spend on a wedding, but it is something that I look forward too. I'm still working on finding that right guy. 

It really sucks the fun out of it all when half of couples get divorced. I say just tax the "gays", and let them get married! We are making a mockery of the institution of marriage. 

But anyways, back to Kim K. 

So, Kim K has some stupid Oprah spechul (I will not be watching, thankyouvverymuch) too, where Oprah asks her if she believes her sex tape is why she is famous. 

Well duh. 

Come on, I didn't know who the heck you were until I downloaded this stupid video and was severely dissapointed. It wasn't THAT good of a tape people. 

They are on a bed, doing what Kim K does best: being a whore.

 It's not like she's swinging from swings and banging 4 guys. It's a rather boring porn, and this is coming from a girl. That's on you too RayJ! 

I had no idea who the Kardashians were until this tape came out. My mom explained to me that Bruce Jenner was a famous athlete back then, and he has apparently married the Kardashian leader. The older kids have a different father, something to do with the OJ Simpson case. 

I'm not even going to get into that headache of a fiasco! 

Yes, they may make their own money from the Dash store. But you know what? 

Before that sex tape, you didn't have a fucking store did you? 
Before that sex tape, no one gave a crap did they?

You aren't even at the store anyways, any episode I catch is the younger Kardashian sister complaining because Kim isn't ever there. 

I'm also not even going to get into the fact that Kris H should have known that this whole marriage/wedding was a publicity stunt/ploy. It would not surprise me ONE BIT if she cheated on him the entire time. I mean, it was only like 3 months, she can't not be a whore for that long. They break up and she goes out with KANYE? 

Funny, cuz I thought Kanye didn't want Gold-Diggers. But she aint messin with no Broke nigg-never mind. I hate that fucking song, and hate that word, and hate you too Kanye. 

Funny, because you were dating (or are dating) their freaking LEADER. Kim K is the hugest gold digger ever. 

I'm sure Mr. Jenner has all the money in the world to make that tape dissapear if needed. But you wanted to ride the fame wave and now you are surfing it! Hang on tight Kim. 

Then we have this Scott asshole, who is having babies with one of the sisters. I can not STAND this dude, he seems like hes only in this for the money too. 

This whole family makes me want to rip my hair out. 

Please go away Kardashians. 


Far Far Away. 

Dont Come Back. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Online Shopper

I am an avid online shopper, searching endlessly for that bargain I think I can't get elsewhere. 

Of course I have my particular stores I buy from, and then a few I check like clockwork waiting for the newest sales to arrive. I have a comfortable style, to say the least.

Here are a few of my favorite sites: 

1. Body Central -  If you are a woman, I know you love clothes. is where I find most of my clothes. I first got a magazine from them and didn't really think much of it. I checked out the website and fell in love! The cutest shirts from about 16.99, and some cute nice dresses around 23 bucks! They don't update their clearance or sale items very much, but still - very cute clothes! They also have "work appropriate" clothes I can buy!

2. Kohls - The only place I can seem to buy pants that fit. has just about ever household item you can think ofFrom kitchen stuff, bathroom, to that nice picture in the living room, Kohls has it all. Being 5'9" and a small skinny person, every place I go to buy pants seems to only have "smaller" size pants for a short person. Now, I am no midget and not ever 100 pound person is 5 feet tall. Kohl's hasn't forgotten about this detail yet, and while they do have a small selection of pants, I can normally find a good Size 0 or 1 - LONG hanging around somewhere. Online Buyers pay special attention to the clearance of also! Great deals! Household items.

3. Wal-Mart - Every Person's Fall Back Store Of course Wally World is a place of wonders. Everyone shops at Wal-Mart at one point in their life. They do have a "clearance" section online, and I normally just click like "Price low to high" and if I see anything on the first few pages ... I get! I am not ashamed to say that I have bought clothes from Wal-Mart (I was at the store once and has to listen to some teenager explain to her mom why Wal-Mart clothes sucked.) I recently vowed to never go to Wal-Mart again, and I usually follow my rules. Wal-Mart seems to be the only place I can find a variety of shoes for my daughter, and trust me, two different shoes to choose from is a "variety" to these people.

4. Target - Great Dollar Items!!!!

For Target, you must go to the actual store and hit their Dollar Days items. Normally once you walk into the store, the "aisles" are right there. I am not sure if you can get them online, as they probably vary from store to store, but they have great cute CHEAP decorations for children, and toys, pens, just random stuff I can't ever seem to live without. Who says you don't need 5 fly swatters? Not me! Or how about 6 notebooks for Skyleigh? Cute decorations as well, and even a few outside/backyard items.

She can never have enough colors people! :D 

While we are on the subject of Dollar Stores - the 99 cent store closest to you could be a bargain shoppers dream! I literally decorated my first apartment from the 99 cent store, and Dollar General. A lot of Skyleigh's baby items were bought from the 99 cent store. Just go inside, grab a basket, and walk around! I would start grabbing, think I'd have sooo much in stuff, and only spend like 13 bucks!  Candles are great to buy from there also.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Skyleigh playing around in the back seat as we were garage sale-ing! <3 

"I cute!"

Jerry Sandusky

Jerry Sandusky found guilty on 45 of 48 counts.

The 68 year old faces up to 442 years in jail.

He will be sentenced in about 90 days.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bullying - Part Deux

I slightly grazed the subject of "bullying" in my first blog called "Home Schooling." So, more bullying problems in today's world. 

This particular instance/case was mentioned to me yesterday by my boss. - 

On the east coast we have asshole children on a bus, publicly "dissing" the bus monitor. Karen Klein was ridiculed on a bus full of kids, and another student secretly video recorded it.

There is the link in case you haven't seen it. I'm warning you now, these children are vile and rude. Cussing is on the video. 

Once again, I am ashamed to call myself an American. Whomever the young man is in the video (he's off camera) and he snaps back with something along the lines of, "Why don't you shut your ******* mouth...." I am STUNNED. 

What happened to respect your elders? You obviously talk to your parents this way, and that is shameful upon it's self. I was taught to respect my elders, listen to them, and to never ever cuss around them. 

I remember the first time I said "shit" around my dad, I think I was 20, and it was in the car. I was more afraid of HIS reaction than I was of the car I had almost hit! 

Bullying is a problem that starts at home. The PARENTS need to control how their kids act. What they are taught. If they are taught to be mean, they are going to be mean. 

I was taught not to cuss. Not to be mean. 

Kinda like a pit bull. You take that innocent little puppy and raise him to be "mean", he is going to be mean! Why are we raising our children to be mean?????!!!!!! 

My step father was picking up my daughter from the baby sitter, and mentioned the little brat who always says, "Oh that's Skyleigh, we don't like her." Still not sure how to react to that who issue. 

But we also have wonderful people of the world who are raising money for Ms. Klein. She lost her son in a horrific way, and she may not be the richest person in the world, but you know what kids of America? She is better in SO MANY WAYS than you will EVER be. I hope they kick those kids out of school, something drastic needs to be done. Ms. Klein - If I was you in this situation - I would have pulled that bus over and made those children walk. I would have gone up to their house, asked to speak with their parents and showed them the video. 

Even when I went to high school almost 10 years ago, the bus was a scary idea to ride. You are alone - no mom and dad. I was a "quiet" person, and I will be the first to admit I was made fun of and bullied in school. Walking onto the bus and having no one move over for you, I have been there. Backpacks placed in seats because someone did want to move it or move over. Praying for their to be an open seat, because if not then you had to ask?! 

We need to show America, show our children that we are not kidding around. I don't want another school massacre because we turned our heads the other way. This problem is not going to go away, I don't see why we are just sitting around waiting for the next news story.

I understand high school is hard. School is hard. Life is hard. But you know what? Everyone has to do it! You are no different. Once you walk into my door, you are like family to me. I would never ever be rude to a stranger, unless they are rude to me first. Isn't their a golden rule of Treat others how you would like to be treated? I hope that boy on the bus gets stepped on repeatedly. 

But these kids that are bullies are going to graduate High School and enter into this big big huge world and realize - ah shit! The world DOESN'T revolve around me! Bullying this person get's me no where. 

I don't even know where that young man get's off bullying an elderly person. 

I just really hope that the school ISD is taking this seriously. Hell, it's America. I know they aren't. It's sad that I actually have to type that out! 

It's time to take a stance. I am sick and tired of sitting back and watching the world implode, because we are afraid to speak our minds. 

We are letting the government run this country into the ground and school's are being affected. If a simple BUS MONITOR can't stuck up for herself, then who can?! We need to get the Marine's on the bus, that's what we need to do! 

"YOU SIR! Sit that ASS down and shut the fuck up! Did I say you could speak you little runt?!"

Come on, it'd be fun! Haha. 

I know it may be a little harsh that I am saying such mean things about these kids, but you know what? Send them to my hotel. I'd like to meet this young man so I can show HIM how IMPORTANT he really is to this world. 

Remember, if you point at someone there are always 4 fingers pointing right back at you. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My Favorite Songs

Music is in my soul. 

Here are a few of my favorite songs, must have for your ears!

I'll start with Country music. My Top 10: 

1. Eric Church - Smoke A Little Smoke
2. Luke Bryan - Country Girl (Shake It For Me)
3. Miranda Lambert - Only Prettier / Baggage Claim
4. Carrie Underwood - Good Girl
5. Rascall Flatts - Banjo
6. Sugarland - Down In Mississippi
7. Darryl Worley - Awful Beautiful Life
8. Alan Jackson - Little Bitty
9. Big & Rich - Fake ID
10. Jerrod Neimann - Lover Lover

Okay, now some other good songs: 

1. Anything by Cobra Starship
2. Hanson - Penny And Me
3. Karmin - Brokenhearted
4. Neon Trees - Everybody Talks
5. Nicki Minaj - Starships
6. Jessie J - Domino
7. Jonas Brothers - Play My Music
8. The Ting Tings - That's Not My Name
9. Hedley - For The Nights I Can't Remember
10. Selena Gomez - Like A Love Song
11. Lady Gaga - You And I
12. Glee Cast - Paradise By Dashboard Light
13. Boxcar Racer - There Is
14. Train - Drive By

I'm a old school Good Charlotte fan:

1. Keep Your Hands Off My Girl
2. The Anthem
3. The River
4. Dance Floor Anthem
5. I Just Wanna Live
6. Broken Hearts Parade

And of course, the fantabulous Fall Out Boy: 

1. You're Crashing But You're No Wave
2. What A Catch Donnie
3. Headflirst Slide Into Cooperstown On a bad bet
4. This Ain't a Scene
5. West Coast Anthem
6. The (After) Life Of The Party
7. I Don't Care
8. Coffee's for Closers
9. Hum Hallelujah 
10. Sugar Were Going Down

I'm not going to list every My Chemical Romance and Blink 182 song. Every song is their's is awesome :D My favorite Blink song is Dammit. :D 

A Few good Jason Mraz songs - 

1. Sleeping To Dream
2. Not So Usual
3. The Remedy
4. Wordplay
5. Geek In The Pink
6. O Lover
7. You and I Both
8. The Beauty In ugly
9. Did You Get My Message

Hope you enjoy my music! Give some a listen to, they are all great songs! <3 <3 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dale Jr.

"Dale Earnhardt Jr."  - If you are a NASCAR fan I'm sure your head has already snapped to attention at the mention of his name. Everyone's does. Anyone can strike up a conversation with the mention of the Earnhardt name. Anyone you ask, they will surely know who Jr is.

He's your new Michigan winner, finally quenching his thirst for victory after 4 years. 

If you follow me on Twitter, you know that deep down: I don't really like Jr. He's arrogant, rude, and he made my dad mad! 

My dad was a fan of his fathers, and once Jr's little 'pity pout' in front of my dad at TMS a few years back, my dad has slowly came on over to the Kahne Nation. It's better over here anyways. 

I love Jr. Nation. Do not get me wrong. There is something about the feeling of excitement when people come out of the wood works to root for Jr. He gets the most woo's, and he's won thousands of most popular driver. Jr Nation supports their driver, through thick and thin. (Any 'nation' would - I know I support my driver even as he's driving into the wall, or spinning someone out. Whatever it is, I'm behind him.)

He is your most popular driver. I won't deny it. No where NEAR the best driver. 

Jr Nation has a tendency to go a little over board. I didn't know he hadn't won in FOUR years, I knew it had been a few years (I was thinking maybe like two and a half.) but was still thinking he was a little better than that. 

I know when Jr won on Sunday that it's all I would hear about for most of the week. And it's fine, Jr's name pops up on my Twitter, and Monday was a great day for all the 'Oh I'm so hungover because I was celebrating.' 'Why isn't today a Holiday?' etc. 

Something that surprised me was when someone was announcing how many wins he has had as a driver. 17. 

I was immediately taken aback, thinking there had to be some mistake. - NASCAR's Poster Child has only won 17 races? 

I asked my followers to let me in on how many races Kahne has won. 13. 

Jr of course started 4 years before Kasey, but still. The numbers speak for themselves, I shouldn't even have to type out all that math. And I wont. 

Each driver is a "good" driver for his own reasons. Kasey is horrible at places, and awesome at others. Jr is great at Dega and Daytona Michigan and Charlotte, but yeah. Other places notsomuch. 

And now, Jr Nation rises up, cheering their man as he floats around the track with his Dew. Dewin it right. 

I do understand it. I get so emotional when talking about Kasey, or cheering him on. I get it, I do! :D 

Coming into NASCAR in 2004 (when I started watching "full time") the ONLY driver I knew of, was Dale Earnhardt Jr. I had heard soooo much about this dude, and it took him a loooong time to win a race once I started watching. I just noticed it's a lot more about the NAME than it is the PERSON. 

I think Jr has lost a lot of his heart. I think he's in this mainly for a paycheck. I watch him, and watch the other drivers, and while yes, there is something different about Jr, he just seems like he's doing racing because he is told to do it. I'm not saying he doesn't want to race, because he knew damn well what he was signing on for when he did sign up, but I'm just saying I think he has lost his heart. 

I think Jr needs to take a year off! 


But, congrats to all the Jr fans, and Jr. himself for winning the race. I'm glad you did. 

And I really hope to see you in Victory Lane in Sonoma and not take another 4 years okay? 

See, I can be nice sometimes :D 


Google Chrome is pretty awesome, in case you didn't know. It's brilliant. :D Thank you Google! 

Another day, another dollar. 

I literally ate so much food last night, my stomach was going to explode. That's one thing I dislike about the doctor. It turns my mom into like, super mom mode. She offers up so many food suggestions, which is great - except I didn't ask. I know she cares, and is just looking out for the best of me. I can't eat everything in the house in one day. I have to spread it out! 

I weighed myself, and gained 4 pounds in 6 days. That's 4 pounds in a week! Granted I have been eating everything in site and feeling like I'm going to throw up from all the food that is settling in my stomach, but I guess that's the price you pay. 

This doctor visit has gotten me a little irked. 

Here is the quick version: 

I went to the doctor with two problems. One, my hair was falling out. B) Just needed a little pick me up on the weight gain. 

I thought the doctors visit went great. I don't have insurance, so the entire trip (plus my 5 viles of blood) was around 650 bucks. 

Now, I was aware they were going to test for things. Completely aware. He never mentioned to me what he was testing for, but I was under the impression alopecia test would be included with that. I dont know what all they tested for. All they said was my blood counts were fine, platelets were fine, and low on a few vitamins. 

Well, I went there for some sort of alopecia test. And the lovely lady yesterday says, "Well he wants you back for more testing" so I asked her the price of this testing. I don't have insurance, and it isn't available for another few months for me. 

780 bucks for this "autoimmune" test. 

Now, when I type in "Autoimmune" on Google, alopecia information comes up. 

Whoa whoa whoa,Why did we not test for this in the first place? This is the REASON I AM HERE. I'm not here to sit in your room for 45 minutes while you pick your nose outside.

I now feel like I have wasted 670 bucks, found out NO new information (I could have told all these doctor idiots that I didn't have anemia, no thyroid problems etc) and now you mean to tell me that you didn't even test for the reason I came in? 

See, this is a reason I don't have insurance in the first fucking place. 

Stupid reasons like this:

They induce my labor because "We think she weighs under 5 pounds 5 oz" and WRONG - She came out 6lbs1oz. 

I know for DAMN SURE that my next child will stay inside of me as long as possible. None of this "I think" stuff. You don't know what'd going on inside of me. Only I do. Skyleigh may not have gotten any bigger, but babies will come WHEN THEY ARE READY. 

Sometimes I think all doctors are idiots. You have no idea what is going on inside of a person's body. It's all a big guess. 

So, here I am. 

Back to square one. 

And 670 dollars down. 

Funny how life works sometimes. 

I do what everyone tells me to do, go to the doctor, etc. Andddddd nothing. 


I wish Friday would hurry up and get here! Payday!