Thursday, July 5, 2012

Quick Update

Just a quick update for my 3 whole blog readers! Okay okay, all 4 of you! All four of you are so special, I wanted my readers to know that. Not you number 5, just 1-4. Don't ever get confused. 

Had a wonderful and fantastic 4th of July. We swam, Skyleigh wore her new cute 4th outfit, and I snacked all day and ate lots of hot dogs. I'm not a hamburger fan. I also made a "confetti" cake, but It didn't turn out the way I had planned it to. 

I have been sick these past few days. Horrible cough, I fear I may cough up a lung one of these times! I feel better now! A few days ago I came up to work and worked a few hours. I kept feeling hot and cold, then super hot. Then I couldn't breathe. It was not fun! 

My phone has been turned off :( I have to pay my bill tomorrow. I forgot all about it! Haha. Normally they send me this stupid text (With my Metro Piece of Shit phone), but I must have deleted it or something. Oh well! Just one more day without service. So glad I spent 4.99 on TweetCasterPro so that I can use it when my phone is off! It took the "4g" away as well, but when it does connect to the internet - I still get the internet! That's all I care about! :D 

Very short update. 

It's hot in Texas ya'll! 

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