Thursday, July 12, 2012

Penn State and Paterno turn out to be even worse than before

I believe this is the time when I mutter a big fat, "I TOLD YOU SO." 

First, let me say I am so tired of this horrible man being portrayed as a hero because he was able to get a bunch of boys to throw a fucking ball? 

Are you kidding me? 
Football was more important than children? 
We win some games and it's all okay? 

Try telling that to the young boys Sandusky molested. 

And now Paterno's family comes out with some asinine comment, wanting you to leave them alone. To respect them or some bullshit. 

I tell you what Paterno family: 

You may not have known about the abuse, which is fine. But Shut the FUCK up. 

Your husband knew, for over 10 years. His faculty knew. They covered it up. You and your family will get NO SYMPATHY from me, EVER. Your husband is an autrocity of a human being. Kinda like his friend Sandusky. And you know what else Paterno family? You better be damn lucky that old fucker is dead because do you know where he would be right now? 


It's illegal to aid and embed a child molester. Probably illegal to cover up him molesting the children too.

He'd be sitting right next to his good ole football buddy, Sandusky. 

There are 45 molestation charges against this man... 45 boys THAT WE KNOW OF. There could be more. Sadly there probably are more. 

I am so sick of this JoePa stuff. 

I hope all the people at the beginning who were like, "Joe pa! he's the man!" are retracting their statements. He's not the man. He's a sad excuse for a man.

It's sad that a school decided to put football, A GAME, ahead of it's future - the children of America. 

It sickens me to think about it. 

So, I hope Penn state takes that hideous ugly statue down of the man from Family Guy. Oh, thats JoPa? My bad. 

Like I cared in the first place. 

Hell, maybe Penn State will just turn the statue the other way, they are good at that right? Sweeping shit under the rug? Look the other way? 

Well all the secrets are coming out Penn State. And it's not looking good for ya'll. 

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