Monday, July 9, 2012

The Baker Hotel - Your Personal Outside Tour

Living in Fort Worth, Texas I don't have a lot of abandoned things to go and see. The Swift Armour Plants in the Stockyards is about it, and well I am sorry, but cattle pens and abandoned slaughter houses can only get my heart palpitating so much. 

Which brings me to The Baker Hotel. I had heard stories, and read lots of web-pages of this place being amazing inside. A beautiful old hotel built in 1929, now defunct and sitting in ruin. Penthouse Suites, Ballrooms, and just things you can not see anymore! They plan to renovate and make it a new beautiful hotel. 

Mineral Wells, where the Baker Hotel is located, is about an hour away from me. I set out on my journey, ready to bust down some plywood and get into the hotel. I had never seen the hotel before, only in pictures, and well, you can't miss it! It's pretty much the only huge thing standing in this tiny town. You drive up, and here is your view: 

The front

A little drive through 

The side 

Care for a swim?

the back of the Hotel

The place is boarded up pretty good. Little holes were punched out and so I stuck my camera in and took some shots. Here is the lobby of the hotel, looking to your right. 

And here is the lobby, looking to your left. 

This is very back. The drive through part drives through to here :D 

And that concludes are The Baker Hotel tour.

The place is boarded up pretty good. If I had a buddy to lift me up I could have been inside. Maybe some other time, I have to get inside before they go and renovate it all! 


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