Monday, July 16, 2012

The N Word and "Saggin"

I am seriously sick and tired of this word. 

I am a young white female. 

I do not say this horrific word, and my daughter will not say it either. 

It actually offends ME, as a white person, when people say it around me. 

What happens one day when I am walking with my daughter, and you throw out that word in your own conversation, and my daughter picks it up? 

I will flip the fuck out, that's what. 


When I google this word, the first thing that comes up is "Saggin" which is the bad word, spelled backwards. 

Saggin is what boys do when they wear their pants around their ankles. They think this looks "cool" or something. It looks stupid, and I tell you what boy. You teach my child that word, and I will GUARANTEE that your pants will be down around your ankles and everyone everywhere will see your dirty ass underwear. 

You guys seriously look like IDIOTS walking like penguins to keep your pants up. Do you realize that we are laughing AT you? Maybe not to your face, but we are laughing. A lot. 

The origin of the "n word" is actually centuries old originating in Europe. Around 1620,  A boat arrived in Virginia with "10 negars" on the side. It can also be traced to France, around 1549 with slaves.  

Sure you think you are making a statement these days by "sagging" your pants, and thinking you look cool. 

Sagging your pants meant that you couldn't run from your slave owner. It's how the slave owners would track their slaves. 

You sure as hell can't run now. 
Without holding your pants up. 
So stupid guys. 

Guess what, in jail, sagging your pants means you are "not avaliable". 

Jailers aren't allowed to have belts (the thought just hit me), so that could be why the pants are sagging as well. 

Slaves weren't allowed belts. 

Belts are 19.99 at Kohls, go check it out. And dont wear the belt 50 sizes too big. Buy a belt and USE IT! 

I mean, unless we want to go back to the 1800's. I guess thats what they are trying to do? Just keep going backwards. 

Let's look stupid and walk like penguins, saying the n word. 

And people wonder why they play the fucking race card. 


I am in no way racist, but this shit pisses me off. 

Black people are allowed to call us whitey and say things like that, but I can't say the word Nigger? 


Nigger Nigger Nigger. 

Fuck that. 

Pull your pants up moron. 

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